By Kristen Brennan
Mistake: Skipping meals which may lead to nutritional deficiencies, malnutrition and hypoglycemia.
Solution: Maintain an adequate meal structure of three balanced meals per day with snacks as needed. Strive to not go longer than 4 hours without a meal or snack.
Mistake: Under consuming protein which can lead to muscle loss and a lowered metabolism.
Solution: Make healthy protein sources the focus of all meals and snacks. Think → Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, poultry, fish, lean meat and legumes. Weightlifting or resistance training can also help to boost metabolic rate, increase muscle mass, and promote fat loss.
Mistake: Not prioritizing hydration– there is an increased risk of dehydration due to gastrointestinal side effects.
Solution: Aim for at least 64 oz of fluid per day and moderate caffeine intake.
Mistake: Viewing the medication as a “magic cure” for weight loss and dismissing the important role that nutrition and physical activity play in long term sustainable weight loss and disease management.
Solution: Change your mindset. Instead, view the medication as a tool to use as you work on changing your lifestyle. Reference your Medical Weight Loss Nutrition Handbook to understand your nutrition and exercise goals. Reach out to your dietitian as needed.